Is Montessori for my Child?
All children – rich, poor, gifted, from a variety of different cultures – have benefited from a Montessori education. Your child will also prosper in his or her own subtle, creative way. Your child is coming to our school because you sense that this is the right time.
Perhaps the toys at home no longer seem interesting. Perhaps your child is bored and needs new friends and new experiences. When your child is ready for an experience apart from you, he or she will benefit and grow in our Montessori environment.
The Montessori Classroom
Not only is the Montessori classroom a place for individual learning, it offers a mixture of ages. The older child learns through teaching the younger child. The younger child, in turn, is inspired to do more advanced work by having the older child in the same environment. After showing interest in an activity and receiving a lesson from the teacher, the child continues working with the material and returns it to its proper place. Therefore, the Montessori classroom is a community of workers with freedom of movement and choice.
Although most of the class time is spent in individual or small groups, some part of each day is spent in whole class activities, or “circle time”. These activities would include singing, storytelling, movement exercises, or large muscle activities. In Montessori, we begin with practical and social skills, not just academic. Keeping track of belongings, putting things away, dressing oneself, sharing materials and respecting the limits of the community, are some of
the initial benefits of total development of the Montessori classroom. These form foundations for growing independence.